2nd February 2022
We are writing to let you know that the Council’s contractors will soon be carrying out drainage works along Batsford Road no.14 and no.20. The work has been rescheduled to week commencing Monday 7th February 2022 and will take approximately 1 week to complete. To carry out this work safely, road closure along Batsford Road will be undertaken to through traffic and so there could be slight disruption on the section of the highway for motorists, however residents and businesses will continue to have access to their properties. If you do have any problems with access, there will be Operatives on site who will be more than happy to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation during this time. If you require further information now or at any time during the work, please visit www.coventry.gov.uk/roadworks or call our Customer Service Centre on the number at the top of this letter. If you have any local issues that you would like to raise please, your Sherbourne ward councillors are Cllr Walsh and Cllr Lloyd.
Finally, there have been cases of individuals claiming to be employed by us approaching home owners to carry out work on properties. Please be aware we do not carry out any un-scheduled or ad –hoc work for individual property owners and if you are approached by anyone claiming to be part of the Council or one of our contractors please contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06.